Yuffie Sakimura, of MelonBatake-a-GoGo and GARUDA fame, will have an exclusive online cheki session in collaboration with the Swedish-Japanese Performers Association during Närcon Vinter 2023!Read More
In November last year, SARI, GARUDA and NEMLESSS visited Sweden. We took the opportunity to arrange an open Q&A. In the video you get answersRead More
Even though 2021 was a year affected by the ongoing pandemic SJPA managed to arrange events with a wide range of Japanese artists. All inRead More
SJPA:s arkiv- och skrivgrupp har varit flitig och skapa inte mindre än tre nya sidor på svenska Wikipedia: SARI NEMLESSS GARUDA God läsning!
Nota bene! The water bottles will be opened and emptied!This is due to postal regulations in Sweden and other countries. For a limited time theRead More
On their return trip to Japan GARUDA and NEMLESSS experienced unforseen problems when trying to board the air plane in Helsinki. Thanks to support fromRead More
GARUDA is one of three Japanese artists that will perform at Alternativfesten in Sandviken in November 2021. GARUDA is a solo project by Yuffie Sakimura. TheRead More
Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Alternativfesten (NB! Living document!) Information about tickets and hotel from Alternativfesten’s webpage Ticket prices Friday, Nov 12: 150 SEKSaturday, NovRead More
SJPA kan, för första gången i Sverige, presentera tre av Japans mest intressanta artister – NEMLESSS, SARI och GARUDA. Artisterna kommer att uppträda på AlternativfestenRead More
[FINAL UPDATE): Link to Alternativfesten’s Saturday night programme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U0RpP8DZWik. GARUDA is the opening act (after short introduction by SJPA). GARUDA har kommit för att förtäraRead More